Shop Talk 01: Spaces Winter Park

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I’ll be the first to admit that while I love technology, I don’t have the most up-to-date gadgets and gizmos in my own home - I tend to keep it low key when it comes to high tech!

In saying this, it is something that I want to look into more and so I was super excited to chat to Alexis and Everett about their company Spaces Winter Park.

We’ve been following each other on the IG for some time now and I love what they are doing in the home and technology space. Seeing a gap in the market, they pulled together their complementing skill sets to offer a unique blend of space making through clever technology and design integrations.

We’re talking low voltage lighting, smart thermostats, voice controlled command systems, sleek sound systems, wall sockets that blend seamlessly into any surface and TV’s that could easily be mistaken for art pieces.

Who are the faces behind Spaces?

Alexis Kimbrough, Creative Director and Everett Earls, System Designer.

Tell me a bit about what inspired you to start Spaces?

Everett and I moved up here (Grand County) to be closer to my parents. After moving, Everett quickly noticed that there was no one providing integration services that valued attention to detail and design. With Everett's almost 20 years of technology integration experience and my 5 years of design experience, we came to the conclusion that we could offer the community a different experience altogether.

What's your elevator pitch? How do you describe what you do to people you meet for the first time?

At Spaces, our mission is to provide beautifully designed systems that are simple and intuitive.

What advice would you give to people wanting to look into integrating some modern tech into their home?

Any system is only as good as the network it is on. If your network is not strong enough to stream 4K content or connect to your phone - things can get frustrating for the users.

What has been your best seller?

Honestly, our best seller isn't necessarily any specific product. Most clients decide to go with Spaces because of our design process and the transparency we provide throughout each project. In both, new construction and retrofitting, communication can become a huge obstacle if not properly done. Our process ensures that the client, our team, and any contractors involved are all on the same page in every step of a project.

What are some of the most interesting new tech products out there on the market?

We are really excited to see where Josh AI is heading with their closed network voice automation system. It is called the Josh Micro and it is very similar to any other home automation system such as Control 4 or Savant. What makes the Josh Micro different is its minimal design, seamless app experience, and that the entire system runs on a closed network.

The voice-controlled experience they designed and built is also very unique. Instead of addressing the Josh Micro with a wake-up command, much like Alexa and Siri require, the Micro responds to natural voice commands. For example, with Alexa you would need to say, "Hey Alexa, turn the volume up." If using a Josh Micro you could say, "Turn up the volume by 5." The entire platform provides an intuitive, seamless experience that you truly cannot find anywhere else.

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Crystal Ball for a minute. Where do you see the fusion of homemaking and technology going in the future?

As technology continues to improve, we believe that more people will begin seeing technology as a way to enhance their lives rather than merely entertain themselves. By providing sustainable features such as low-voltage lighting or smart thermostats, clients can save on energy costs. The low-voltage lighting we offer also adjusts to circadian rhythms so that the shade of the light does not affect ones natural biological process. It's truly amazing how far technology has come in such a short amount of time.

What has been the biggest challenge in starting Spaces?

I would say that our biggest challenge would be our marketing. Currently, our clients are referred by word of mouth. Don't get us wrong, we appreciate the relationships we have built with each client as well as their trust in our process to refer to friends. However, we would like to continue expanding our company. In order to do that, we know we must begin advertising to other markets.

What are you most proud of?

The collaborative mindset we have become a part of in our community. With the business owners, property management companies, and developers we come in contact with, the goal is always whatever needs to be done so that everyone can succeed. Competition can be healthy at times, but collaboration is the key to success.

Switching gear now for a rapid fire round of questions:

  • Currently reading? Culture is Not Always Popular, Fifteen Years of Design Observer.

  • Next Holiday? Naples. Everett’s daughter lives there so we try to visit as much as possible.

  • Don't leave home without? Cell Phone.

  • Favorite Denver restaurant? Not sure if we really have a favorite yet. We have been to Quality Italian in Cherry Creek which was pretty good, but we also really liked the Shake Shack too.

  • Podcast or Netflix recommendation? Podcast- NPR's TED Radio Hour is pretty good or Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Netflix- Queer Eye or we binge Fraser :)

How can people get in touch with you for a consultation?

You can get hold of us at (405) 315-9202.

Email us at and follow us on IG @spaces_winterpark